For all donations please click below. Thank you for your generous support and involvement with YWAM Gold Coast.

Should any further questions arise, please contact accounts on +61 7 5597 0169 or email accounts@ywamgc.com.au



All payments are in Australian dollars (AUD). To find out the exchange rate of your currency check out this website: www.xe.com.


+ Direct Deposit / Wire Transfer

Pay by direct deposit or wire transfer, which directly transfers funds from your bank account into ours. This must be arranged through your bank, using the details below.

Bank Name: Westpac Banking Corp

Account name: Youth With A Mission Gold Coast Inc

BSB: 034 230

Branch: Ashmore

Bank Address: Cnr Currumburra and Nerang Road, Ashmore, Queensland 4214, Australia

Account number:

283769 Main account

International routing details (SWIFT BIC): WPACAU2S

Please put what you are donating for as the reference in your transaction, and send a copy of the transaction to our office to allow us to identify your payment

Phone: +61 7 5597 0169 Email: accounts@ywamgc.com.au

+ Credit Card

Pay online by clicking "Make Donation/Pay a Fee," or in person at our Gold Coast office. Cards accepted: MasterCard and Visa. Please note that a 2.5% surcharge applies.

All PayPal transactions charged at 4.5% to cover exchange rates and may be listed as Shipping & Handling on your PayPal receipt. (PayPal is not recommended)

+ Australian Cheque or International Bank Draft

Pay by Australian cheque or an international bank draft made in Australian dollars. Make these payable to “YWAM Gold Coast,” not to an individual or particular project.