Our Surf DTS is catered to anyone who is passionate about surfing and missions! A 5 month course designed to enable you to go deeper in your relationship with God and begin to explore how God wants to use you and your talents. The 11-12 weeks of lectures will be spent deepening your relationship with God in a dynamic environment of encouragement, support and biblical teaching. Throughout the lecture phase of the DTS you will be enjoying everything that the Gold Coast has to offer. Surfing, BBQ’s, swimming in the ocean and beach sports are just a few of the things that you will be doing to have fun and model love to people in a practical way. The Gold Coast has some of the greatest surfing locations in the world to take to the waves and enjoy the sun. You will then spend 8 weeks on outreach overseas putting into practice what you learned during the lecture phase.
What Are the Dates?
September 1st, 2025 - January 23rd, 2026
February 2026
What Does it cost?
DTS Course costs: $4,900 AUD + Surf Costs: $250 AUD (subject to change)– Enrolment fee, course deposit, tuition, camping, food and accommodation. (Additional to this cost will be your medical insurance needed while being in Australia). It does not include visa costs or personal expenses such as toiletries, laundry, snacks, postage, etc. The DTS fees do not include your transportation to and from YWAM Gold Coast. We are expecting you to bring your own surfboard. If you don’t own one, please contact and we will find a solution.
Outreach costs: $4000 – $6000 AUD – This fee covers all of the expenses incurred whilst being on outreach. Airfares, all meals, transportation, insurances and ministry costs are all included in this fee.
*Prices are subject to change and can vary greatly on prices of flights to our outreach destinations.