The Power of Empowerment

%22The power of heaven follows people who empower others.%22  Check out our recent blog about the power of empowerment! Link in bio.jpeg

To empower another human being is one of the most valuable things you can put your time towards, and yet it’s one of the most underrated strengths. Versatile in meaning and context, the word empowerment is of utmost importance. To empower another human means that you are capable of an altruistic kind of love. Altruism is characterized by having a deep concern for another person at the expense of oneself, also known as selflessness.

Broadcasted in today’s society, is the exact opposite, selfishness. Told through subliminal messages, and undercurrents, there is an appealing desire to disconnect from community to rise individually. Making all of the glory of success fall on oneself. This might ‘feel’ good momentarily, but without a foundation of people to build a common goal, history exposes that selfishness has no longevity.

So, what does that mean for the individual?

Imagine having a mother stripped of her opportunity to care for her children. She would feel deprived of her purpose of mothering. We all have a function in our lives that nudges us toward selflessness. Inherently, we as people, have motives that need to be fueled to advance in our identity. This means that to grow something, we need to give something.

Even in Biblical times, this concept would not be swallowed easily. To invest without personal gain has never been painless until you realize the reason God commands it. When Jesus walked on earth He began to invest in those around him, for a purpose of multiplying Himself. Every human on earth carries the image of God, and that means, when identity is understood on an individual level, shortly following is kingdom advancement.

Therefore, when you look at the life of Jesus, you recognize a pattern of Him empowering the people that are around him. Those who have a strength in money are called to tend to the accounts. The followers that have a heart to counsel, are called to counsel. It’s a very simple business plan when you look at it. Practically, if someone is good at something, put them in charge of doing that thing. Jesus saw people much differently than we do. His way of seeing people was by looking at what they’re good at and growing their strengths into maturity. It can be difficult looking beyond your personal needs being met, but the kingdom of heaven requires it.

The power of heaven follows people who empower others. At YWAM Gold Coast this is the purpose of why we exist as a missions organization. “To empower young people to bring Kingdom transformation.”


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ShaeLynn Suchor